This is shaping up to be a very snowy winter. We have had several big snows, most recently yesterday through last night. Ben likes going out in the snow and shoveling (we have a long driveway, so unfortunately there is lots of shoveling to be done). He particularly likes to be in charge of cleaning off his mama's car. In the first big snow, we went out and made snowmen, which was thrilling to Ben, who has been quite interested in them. He insisted that they needed carrot noses, so Jessica had to go up and find carrots as well as things to make the rest of the features with (hard candies and m&ms). We made a big one, and then a little one next to it, and he says they are Mama and Ben. More recent snows have been either too wet (slush city) or too cold for snowmen, but we will make some more before the winter is out. Ben also likes taking walks in the snow, especially down to the park, where he leads and makes a path for the rest of us. Today we went to the park and met Liam and his dad, Tom. Ben and Liam had a great time playing on the slide and other equipment in the tot lot (once we had dug them out). We forgot to bring a camera, though. The snowy slide was particular fun, because you slide down really fast and land, plop, at least a foot from the end of the slide, but since it's in soft snow it doesn't hurt. That particular game had to be repeated lots of times, and we had to put a new dusting of snow on each time to make sure the slide was nice and fast.