Baby Benjamin

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Babylab again

Ben went to babylab again a little over a week ago. This time it was an experiment to see if babies associate numbers (of objects) and size (length of a rectangle). He sat on Jessica's lap to watch little movies of dots and rectangles, which stopped whenever he looked away. Then they showed another movie, in which lots of dots didn't always mean a big rectangle, and Jessica had to keep her eyes closed so she wouldn't affect his reactions. Afterwards, Lola, the post-doc whose experiment it was, gave him a toy cow wearing a babylab T-shirt.

Happy Easter

Baby B thought Easter was great. He had a whole basket full of toys. Baskets are fun to unload, to move around, and even to sit in.


Ben is currently fascinated with pulling up to standing on anything he can. In the last week, he figured out how to go from crawling to sitting largely by accident, as a result of his standing experiments, and now he can very smoothly move from crawling to sitting or kneeling and back. When we went to dinner at Persephone and Tony's (which Ben loved -- he thought they were both great fun and loved the felt balls Persephone let him play with) he stood up there too, on their dishwasher.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Ben eats again

After about a month of eating, Ben decided that maybe he likes it. He now wants three meals a day, and maybe some snacks, and eats twice as much or more at each meal than he did during the first month.

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Ben and his blocks

We got Ben some cloth blocks about a month ago, and they have become newly interesting now. They are good to move around the room and chase, much as he will also do with a ball of yarn.