
On colder days, Ben's parents would put the rain shield over the stroller to keep him warm (it's very good for wind as well as rain). Ben was nice enough to take naps in the stroller and let his parents keep wandering around Paris (visiting La Maison d'Astronomie and La Droguerie, a yarn and doodad store, among other places) while he slept. His parents took him to parks whenever they could, even when it was cold. Parks in France come with lots of instructions about what age should use what, but Ben happily played on everything he could reach. There was a particularly nice park across from the Bon Marché department store, which has a very nice toy department and a nice restaurant (Ben is very happy with his toy Parisian garbage truck, and enjoyed the lentil salad). We all had a wonderful time in Paris, and a great time hanging out with Grandpa Bill and Grandma Jan, who took great care of us. They fed us extremely well, and were willing to peel any number of "apples" (mandarin oranges) for Ben.