The New New New Children's Museum

Now that the semester is over, Ben's mama is finally going to update his blog, starting with things Ben did back in March. That was when we first took a trip to the Children's Discovery Museum in Acton, which Ben calls the New New New Children's Museum. It is in a Victorian house, with each room made over in a different theme: water, trains, chain reactions (Rube Goldberg style machines you roll balls through), colors, jungle, treehouse, ocean, and diner. Ben likes them all. He has his parents sit down at a booth in the diner (hard because they are not sized for adults) and brings us all sorts of interesting meals (chicken and asparagus ice cream anyone?) and lots of coffee. They have handmade costumes for most of the rooms, based on vests, mostly. Ben particularly liked the ocean ones, which include a life vest (orange, his favorite), a captain's outfit with epaulettes, a mermaid, and sea creatures such as lobsters.
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